Solidarity with striking ATU 1724 workers at Metro Vancouver HandyDART

The following statement was approved by the CUPE 2278 Executive Committee on September 6, 2024:

CUPE 2278 stands in solidarity with striking Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1724 workers at Metro Vancouver’s HandyDART service. Public transit is an indispensable public service, and transit workers should be treated with dignity and respect. Accessible transit, such as that provided by the HandyDART service, is something that makes our communities stronger: mobility for all people is a basic human right!

HandyDART services in Metro Vancouver are contracted out to Transdev, which is a multinational private corporation based in France. ATU Local 1724 has been negotiating with Transdev for a new contract since last November, demanding resolutions to staffing shortages, high turnover, and lower wages than other workers in TransLink’s network. Contracting out accessible transit services to a company that has no stake in our community is a slap in the face to accessible transit riders, and sends a message that HandyDART services are a second class service. We will not stand for a private corporation funnelling public funds from our transit network and profiting off the backs of our community members who use accessible transit.

CUPE 2278 members know that public transit that works for EVERYONE is crucial for addressing the climate crisis and making our communities safer and overall better places to live. We urge Transdev to immediately cease their stonewalling, come back to the table, and negotiate a fair deal for ATU 1724 workers. We ultimately recognize that public services only work when they are truly public; to prevent future work stoppages and provide dignity for both ATU 1724 workers and HandyDART riders alike, TransLink needs to stop treating HandyDART as a second class transit service, fire Transdev, bring HandyDART service in house, and invest the necessary resources to provide dignified, PUBLIC, transit for everyone.

If you are interested in joining fellow CUPE 2278 members on a picket line for strike support, please reach out to or directly message us on Instagram!


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