Educational Opportunities for Members

CUPE 2278 Education Committee

Education and building member consciousness is one of the most important ways the labour movement works to make the world a better place to live in.

The Education Committee coordinates regular education events for members around social issues, labour movement history, and other topics of interest to members. To get involved, contact the Education Committee chair (

Education Events by Affiliated Organizations

CUPE 2278 is affiliated with the CUPE BC provincial division, and the Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC), both of which facilitate educational workshops for union members. CUPE 2278 has funding for members who are interested in attending workshops (listed to the right). If you are interested in attending a workshop, get in touch with the Education Committee chair (

  • CUPE BC sponsors training and education events for members. For more information, check out their website or reach out to Our budget includes funding for members to attend these workshops!

  • VDLC sponsors training and education events for members. For more information, check out their website or reach out to Our budget includes funding for members to attend these workshops!