

our union is directly democratic

this means that rank-and-file members like you have direct say in how the union makes decisions, uses our shared resources, and fights for our collective rights through General Membership Meetings within the bounds of the CUPE Constitution and the BC Labour Relations Code.

CUPE locals are largely autonomous. Members of local unions elect their leaders, make their own financial decisions, and vote on their own agreements. However, all locals are obligated to follow the CUPE National Constitution as well as their local bylaws.

Local 2278 is ultimately governed by meetings of its members. In between membership meetings, the “business” of the union is managed by the local executive and the component committees. Only a meeting of the membership can approve the annual budget and elect the local executive. The local executive can approve expenditures within the set budget. Components can make decisions that affect only their component, and can only spend funds from within parameters established by the membership.

An image of the back of a short-haired person wearing a blue cap inscribed "thunderbirds" and a yellow t-shirt that reads "Choose CUPE"

National Constitution

CUPE locals are all obligated to follow the CUPE National Constitution. This document can only be changed with a 2/3+ majority vote at a biennial CUPE National Convention. The most recent Convention was held in Québec in 2023.

To read more about the CUPE National Constitution, click here.


Local 2278 Bylaws

The Local bylaws provide the rules for the day-to -day functioning of local 2278. These bylaws were most recently updated and ratified by CUPE National and CUPE Local 2278 in 2024.

To read Local 2278’s bylaws, click here.


Meetings, Rules of Order, And Minutes

Wherever possible, Local 2278 operates by consensus, especially at the Executive Level. Component I Executive meetings typically have rotating chairs and minute-takers. Agendas are typically set by the local’s president in consultation with executive members and staff prior to meetings. They are ideally circulated a day or two in advance, typically by email. Agendas can also be amended at the meeting by anyone present with voice and/or vote. Where contentious debate makes clear rules of order necessary, Robert’s Rules of Order apply, and a simple majority vote is deemed sufficient for decision-making purposes, though consensus and compromise are the ultimate goals of the Executive. Particularly contentious issues without a clear path forward will be brought to the membership for review and/or vote.

Executive and General Membership meeting minutes may be examined by members upon request, and Executive meetings may also be attended by members upon request. Please contact to arrange.